Sunday, December 29, 2019

Content Writing - The Basics

Even in today's world of booming internet marketing and e-business, most people do not have a clear idea of what is content writing. They simply sport an astonished look on their faces whenever they hear the term. To put it most simply, content writing is the art of writing for websites. The information that is the content that a website holds is equally, if not more, important than its design and presentation. More than the design, it is actually the content that attracts and holds the attention of the visitors or users of the website. Dull, below expectations and boring content adversely affect the business of the website concerned. Thus, in order to attract the optimum number of visitors, the content of a website should be informative, current and to the point. It should deliver on the promises it makes in the title.
Content writing for websites is a business or a profession that is providing scopes for exponential expansion, all over the world. A lot of firms and companies nowadays promise to offer superior quality content writing services. But the job is not in the least bit as easy as it sounds. Writing content for websites is an extremely tedious task because it requires the investment of a large chunk of the writer's time. Although the name may seem suggestive of a job that involves writing only, content writing, on the contrary, requires a significant bulk of extensive research that takes a considerable amount of time. The professionals in the field are of the opinion that it is a job involving 90% research work and only 10% writing.
During writing content for websites, the motive behind writing and the quality of the target readership should be borne in mind at all times. This makes it easier to decide on the style in which the content writing is to be done and also pick and choose the topics to be discussed in the article or the content of the website concerned.
A successful content writer is one who at all times tries to answer 3 very pertinent questions to the entire business of content writing.
1. Who makes up the targeted readership of the website?
2. Why would people want or need to read the content of the website?
3. What sort of need is the content or the website required to fulfill?
A content writer, who manages to answer these 3 questions best, wins half the battle and ensures success for his or her work even before he or she sets foot on the field. The writer can then write and modify his or her work in the most appropriate way so as to fulfill all the requirements and demands of the website concerned.
It is also to be kept in mind that content writing for websites is extremely different from writing for newspapers or blogs. It has its own rules and guidelines that need to be followed at all times. To put it in a few words, writing in a precise and to the point manner is the first and last word in successful content writing.

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