Saturday, August 31, 2019

Email Marketing Best Practices - 9 Tips

Your 2019 Guide on How to Use Video in Email Marketing

It's not news that video is at the forefront of marketing these days.
From creating videos for your website to hosting Facebook Live sessions, this marketing tool has transformed from a nice-to-have to a must-have if you want to effectively engage with your audience and build a loyal following who will be more apt to purchase from you.
Video-based marketing is a great way to stand out from the multiple messages people get in their inboxes every day, not to mention how effective it is on social media.
This article focuses on using video in your email marketing. Keep reading for the technical parts of utilizing video in your email marketing and the creative aspect for some inspiration.
I've talked about using video many times in the past, but in case you're still not convinced or didn't think to use video in your email marketing efforts, it's time to pay close attention. According to a study done by SuperOffice, including video in emails led to open rate increases of six percent (the average open rate across industries is about 25 percent).
Some other benefits of video marketing:
• It saves time. You can create short, engaging pieces of video much more quickly than it will take you to write an 800-word blog. It also gives info to your viewer in an easy-to-understand way.
• It can help SEO. Your Google search ranking can improve if your footage is viewed and shared by enough people.
• It's cost-effective. You don't need CGI effects or animation to make something great. A video can be much more affordable to produce than a blog or ad.
• It grabs attention. Especially when added into your newsletter, a video captures your audience's attention and compels them to want to watch.
First, the Technical Part of Video Email Marketing
Before you start brainstorming ways to use video in an email, you need to know how it plays in different email clients.
There are over 30 major email clients, including Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail and Yahoo Mail, and some of them don't support the requirements for using an email with a video.
Traditionally, marketers would use HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) to code HTML video directly into an email, but recipients with certain email clients aren't able to play it. Many popular email providers will only show a fallback image, and your marketing message will be lost in the crowd.
Fortunately, some of the popular services like MailChimp, Constant Contact and AWeber make it easy to share across all providers by using a screen capture image of your video and linking it to your original content on your blog, YouTube, Vimeo or similar sites.
This gives the appearance there's actually video in your email and avoids technical issues with your email provider.
Instead of having to learn HTML5, there are also 3rd party services that can create a video snippet for you to include right in the body of your newsletter. In fact, I did this in a recent newsletter of ours!
Check out Playable to embed a short video in your next newsletter. Playable will replace the video with an image of your choice if the email service provider doesn't support the video technology.
>> Learn more about the features of our favorite email providers.
No matter what eNewsletter tool you use, it's crucial to test your campaign before you send it out. You'll need to have accounts on all of the popular email platforms so that you can see how your footage works in each of them.
Sound like a lot of work? Trust a professional marketing company that's been helping clients create successful eNewsletter campaigns since 2003.
Next, Make Sure You're Mobile
According to Hubspot, mobile opens accounted for 46 percent of all email opens. That means you have to ensure you're keeping smartphones in mind when you're email marketing with video.
Fortunately, eNewsletter providers such as MailChimp and Constant Contact let you test and see how your messaging will look before you send it out.
It's still important to keep the file size as low as possible so the video doesn't need to buffer to start playing. Mobile devices don't have the fastest download speed.
A good tip is to take a 10-second snippet of your video to use in the newsletter. That snippet can then link to the full feature on your blog.
Also, always make sure the autoplay is off, especially on mobile. Most people don't appreciate having something start playing (often noisily) as they sit in the office or on a bus; they prefer to click on Play themselves.
Now, On to the Creative Part
With the technical stuff out of the way, let's look at how you can actually create content that will engage your viewers and get you more visitors to your website.
You need a plan with clear objectives or else you're just sending content out into the world and hoping it will be seen and loved.
Why are you creating this campaign? To generate leads, brand awareness, followers...?
Once you've identified your objectives and goals, you can start thinking about actual email, and the content you want to produce.
As mentioned, host the full-length video in a blog post, landing page or even on social media and then plan to incorporate a "sneak peek" of that video in your email marketing campaign, linking to the full-length version.
Here are six tips and inspiration to get you started:
1. Use the word "video" in your subject line to make your message stands out.
2. Promote an event. Let's use a law office as an example. We created a short video using Wave. Video for one of our clients, A Family Law Firm, to promote an upcoming seminar they were hosting.
3. Offer tips. When it comes to email marketing with video, users want short, digestible clips. A "Top 5" or "4 ways to improve" will get more attention than a 2-minute creation of you trying to explain a product.
4. Create a series. This is a great way to keep people engaged with your expertise, as long as what you're providing is valuable to them. Stay away from a five-part series on your latest offering. Instead, solve a problem.
Using the law firm video marketing again as an example, you could set up a list-building campaign and do a four-part video series on ways to prepare for a separation or divorce:
• Part 1: DIY or hire a lawyer?
• Part 2: Filing the necessary paperwork
• Part 3: Dividing assets
• Part 4: Supporting your children
5. Make tutorials. Your product or service solves a problem, so how can you showcase this to your clients? Educate your viewers with a short explanation of how your product or service will improve their lives, using real-world examples.
6. Think outside the box. Now, we don't all have the budget outdoor company Patagonia does; however, look at how they've integrated amazing footage into their email campaigns. It doesn't focus on their surfing gear, but it's relevant to their customers.
Whether you're a life coach shooting some footage while you're on vacation or a wellness provider offering viewers a glimpse of your dinner prep process, get creative and get shooting!
Email marketing with video can be incredibly powerful, increasing your open rates, engagement, leads, and sales substantially.
However, not every email should contain one. If you start using this marketing tactic every time you send out an e-newsletter to your subscribers, they'll stop paying attention. Think of it as one way to stand out from the crowd, but don't neglect your other tactics.
Crafting an eNewsletter campaign with video (or without), choosing the right email provider, testing and monitoring open rates and engagement is a tough job. And, it needs to be done well or else you'll end up alienating and losing subscribers.
Susan Friesen, the founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having a lack of knowledge, skill, and support needed to create their online business presence.
As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.
Visit and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results".

Friday, August 30, 2019

How To Use LinkedIn For Beginners - 7 LinkedIn Profile Tips

4 Ways On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Success

Most business owners don't realize how to use LinkedIn and just how powerful LinkedIn is. LinkedIn can help you generate leads, build your brand, and make much-needed connections. But most business owners are not on LinkedIn, or they are on it but not using it the correct way.
When it comes to using this social media marketing platform, people think of it as being a networking site or a place to get a job. No, my friend, LinkedIn is a place you want to be especially if you are in the B2B business. LinkedIn has 364 million users. I'm going to discuss 5 reasons why you need to be on LinkedIn.
For Lead Generation
This platform has the highest referral traffic out of social media sites. Better than Facebook and Twitter, Facebook is seen as the top dog of social media marketing for businesses but that is incorrect. LinkedIn has more than 467 million users on this platform. And 57% of usage is mobile. That makes this social media marketing site for business perfect for B2B marketers. It is invaluable for marketing, finding leads, and making sales.
Increased Search Visibility
When your profile is properly optimized it increases your chances for ranking in Google search. That gives you valuable search results with the Google search engine. But you must have these things done in order to rank:
  • Keywords in your bio page, page description, and header
  • You have a completed profile at All-Star status
  • Have links back to your website, blogs that you write and post
How To Use LinkedIn For Circulating Your Content
There are many ways to circulate your content using this platform. You can post in relevant groups in your niche, individual updates, on your personal or business page, and company updates. As long as your content is strong, you attend to get more visits to LinkedIn groups that are in your niche. LinkedIn doesn't get the recognition for content syndication like it should. Sharing your social media marketing content gets you in front of all of your current connections and followers. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn has no filtered feed or algorithms to worry about. When you post an update it will appear in your followers feed no matter how often they have interacted with you in the past. Which keeps you top of mind with your followers. You always want to keep your content in the newsfeed daily.
For Personal Branding
You want to be known as an expert in your field. And the way to do that is to build trust and be known as an authority in your industry. You can do that by sharing other people's content, getting involved in discussions, and answering questions to show your expertise, That way when people become curious and want to know who you are, they will research your company and most likely want to make you a connection.
I hope you found this article helpful for how to use LinkedIn in your business. It's a worthwhile social medial investment for your business. Are you using this social media marketing platform?
Deborah Northcutt is the CEO of I am a Speaker Support Consultant that helps seasoned or aspiring speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs find their ideal speaking opportunity so they can shine their light and grow their business with high-level support. Schedule a time to talk with me if you need help to see if we are a good fit

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How To Use Facebook's Audience Insights Tool & Targeting To Get The Most From Your Facebook Ads

The Key To Setting Realistic and Attainable Audience Growth Goals

When you set goals, it's important to use SMART goals. That stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. In other words, setting goals that are both realistic and attainable is part of making SMART goals.
But how do you make sure that your goals for audience growth are realistic and attainable?
Know the Size of Your Audience
You may never reach every member of your audience, but it's important to know roughly how many there are in existence. There may be millions of people who need what you're offering them, but remember to truly narrow it down and shrink down that audience to an audience of one - the ideal customer, even while realizing how many potential customers are out there.
Understand How to Reach Your Audience
When you know your audience, you also know how to find them. If you know what social platforms they use, who they follow to learn from, what groups they're in, and what they do in their free time, you're going to be able to make better choices about how to reach your audience - thus improving your conversion rate exponentially.
Create a Growth Budget
One thing you really need to know about audience growth is that sometimes it takes money in the form of paid advertisements to reach the audience. For example, if you know that your audience loves to read a certain website and newsletter that also has Google Ads on it, how can you get your ad to appear there? Perhaps you can talk to the owner and make a deal too, but either way, you need to know how much you can spend on promoting growth.
Know How Much Time You Have
If you're going to be doing all the content creating, publishing, and marketing yourself, chances are it's going to take much longer to reach your ideal audience. Know that you can set your goal a little lower by realizing that you're just one person.
Understand Your Skill set
If you're not that great at audience targeting, you may want to figure out a way around it via outsourcing or by learning what you need to know. Setting a goal without knowing how to do what needs to be done can mean that you don't reach that goal.
Be Willing to Outsource
When it comes down to it, if you have the budget, it may pay off big time to outsource audience growth. There are experts who will help you develop a freebie, help you market it properly, and more. If you can outsource, you can boost your growth goal so you can reach more people because you're not doing it alone.
Every business owner wants their income to feel secure and stable. Unfortunately, it doesn't always happen right away. But there are things you can do to help solidify this stability much faster. Download my free checklist '12 Ideas For Making More Money In Your Business' and start living the life you deserve. Get your copy at

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quality vs. Quantity: Creating a Content Strategy in 2019 | Melbourne Australia, 2018 Keynote

Social Network - Facebook Marketing

It's 2017 and Facebook is still the largest social network on the planet. With over 1.2 billion active users, out of which almost 65% log in daily to this gigantic platform, Facebook was not at all famous back when it launched. A decade ago, there were no more than a few million people using Mark Zuckerberg's experiment of a social network. A decade ago, nobody expected Facebook to be a global success.
Is something going to stop it from growing at an even faster rate? With the momentum Facebook has been having over the last 5 years, do you think anything will stop it? The shocking answer is "almost definitely no", because Facebook is here to stay. Any social network or online platform with a user base that large will probably never go down, but simply adapt, instead.
Most digital marketers use Facebook to promote their products to the massive audience, and there's no better place to advertise than Facebook, because everyone's ideal market is using it 24/7. But you may wonder - how can one target Facebook users with marketing?
One of the best things about Facebook advertising is that their official advertising platform allows you focus on exactly who you are looking for by age, location, gender, interests, and so much more! The basics of Facebook marketing are very simple, and I've been following advice from an expert on Facebook marketing online to bring you the basics of how taking advantage of Facebook.
With 13 being the minimum age requirement for Facebook, almost all age groups use it. There is no official publicly available data by Facebook about their most active age groups, but dozens of researchers showed that the age group of 18-29 is the group you'll stumble upon the most. Accordingly, people 65 and older barely show interest in using it frequently.
What are the best forms of advertising?
* Page-based ads
Unlike profiles, Facebook pages are your gateway to advertising. They are very similar to profiles, but their purpose is for businesses, organizations, and public figures. Facebook users Like a page, and from that point, they begin following a Page and all its public updates.
Pages are totally free and very straightforward when it comes to setting them up, but the tricky part is getting a good number of fans. That's where the advertising part steps in.
With page-based ads, you can create Like campaigns or CTA campaigns that are perfect for showcasing an external website.
* Groups
Facebook groups are what forums should have been, and they are similar to Pages, with the addition being that anyone can post updates to a Group. You can create a group that relates to your industry or audience and start from there. Groups are free and without wasting money on ads, you can engage a lot of users in no time.
* Profile Photo - indirect advertising
Your profile photo is the placeholder for your logo. It's that simple. When it comes to the Cover Image, it's a different story, because you're the one who has to decide what goes here. Some use imaginary mascots, others showcase discounts or even their own employees. Fancy artwork with a flat design is always a great option, though.
* The "About" section
It's a short pitch that can make or break your Facebook marketing campaign. This goes right below your business' logo / profile picture, and this is where you get to tell the wide Facebook community what you're about.
All you have to do to succeed is to keep it friendly and informal, because nothing beats a casual tone.
Facebook is more than just a powerful social network. It's flexible, and no matter what your niche is, you can enjoy enough varieties of marketing options. With them, you can tailor your marketing efforts to fit all your company's needs.
Of course it takes time to learn all of Facebook's wide features, but believe me, once you get through them all, it will be so worth it! You want to make sure you embrace the constant growth that Facebook is having, and then work on social media marketing.
Strike while the iron is hot. It's just a matter of time before your competition starts running Facebook ads to promote products and discounts. If is not yet a part of your Facebook marketing campaign, it should definitely be. Do your research, sign up for Sara's Zeqr class, start a few campaigns to see what will happen. Practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Resurrect Your Twitter Account With Little Tweak

It is time to bring in a little more life to your appearance on Twitter and awaken your creativity and I bring you a few guidelines that will help you!
The Images
Twitter started out as a text service, but as visual content became popular and prevalent on social networks, eventually the "bluebird" sided with the trend.
Tweet with a picture typically attracts more attention and to take the most advantage of the visual potential, do not use generic images and those in poor resolution. For example, you are using Twitter to post images of your products, avoid the promotion method and try to do something original and witty. Foreign brands such as KitKat and Oreo are long since known as masters in the area and their tweets regularly result in high user interaction. Learn from the best!
The video!
Do you have a YouTube channel with an interesting video content? Share videos with fans on Twitter which they can see without leaving the social network! The same goes for Vine which is well-integrated with Twitter, given that it is an affiliated company. Video content does not always need to be related to your products or services - sometimes you can give yourself some vent and share with customers something relaxed, fun and interesting.
Re-tweet Content from Others
Retweeting is the simplest way to interact on Twitter and people definitely love it when others noticed or share their content. If you come across interesting content on Twitter, be sure to re-tweet if you think that it will be interesting to your followers. This way, you will get noticed by other users and sometimes those users that you have re-tweeted will thank you. Of course, re-tweet with a measure, do not act like you want to get attention "by force".
Also, it will not hurt if you re-tweet some news from other official accounts, especially if they are in some way connected with what you do.
Hashtags are Important
Hashtags are one of the main features of Twitter, but many Twitter users still do not use it in the right way. Inserting the proper hashtag in the tweet will allow your message to reach a larger number of users. It is necessary to follow hashtags that are used the most.
In doing so, be careful not to exaggerate because your tweets might seem endless - two hashtags within a single tweet is enough. If you need to create a unique hashtag (for example, on the occasion of the organization of an event or contest), be sure to check if it is already in use by someone and keep in mind to be brief and meaningful in the context in which it is being used.

How to Get 7 Times More Twitter Traffic | Twitter Marketing Tips

Monday, August 26, 2019

What Is An Online Sales Funnel?

What is a Funnel and How Do They Work?
When the word funnel is mentioned I usually visualize a car with the hood opened and an oil funnel in the picture. I'm not the only one, I know because a number of people have asked me to explain what a marketing funnel is. The subject gets many confused and a bit discouraged but it need not be so.
A marketing funnel is really very simple and some make it more complicated than it needs to be. Actually, the best and most successful funnels have only 3 steps and are very simple. The more steps that are added leave a better chance that the viewer will not finish the process designed to get them to a certain end result.
The end result, or goal, of the funnel, can be a number of things including a sale, an opt-in, a phone call, a sign-up, or lead. These are called conversions and are the end result of the funnel.
A website is a funnel even if someone doesn't understand just what a marketing funnel is. Someone sets up their site with the intentions of drawing traffic to their site for a specific purpose, let's say to purchase a product. They might see an advertisement ad on another site and click on it to get to the someone's site. The visitor reads some of the website content and clicks to go to the next step or to make a purchase.
That's typical of a sales funnel and sounds really simple, right? There are said to be over 2 billion viewers online and any website owner would love to get as much of that traffic coming to their site as possible.
Through various outreach campaigns on social media sites and forums, articles written, podcast, videos made, or a webinar, the site owner draws traffic into the funnel that travels through the website page and a percentage will click to proceed and the rest will move onto something else.
That is how simple a funnel is and as mentioned, the end result or goal can be to get an email address, get the visitor to click something, or to make a purchase, each is considered a conversion.
There are funnels that have more steps depending on what the design of the funnel is for the visitor but the fewer steps get better results.
How do they work?
Think of yourself as a tour guide leading visitors onto and through your website and leading them where you would like them to go and to do what you would like them to do. The site owner tries to direct them to click here or go there and see a great product that will enrich their lives in one way or another.
So website owners are like tour guides on their own websites and it's best that they understand drawing viewers into a funnel, their website, and being a tour guide leading them to the goal, or point of conversion with every page.
The Components and Tools Needed for a Funnel
The very first thing needed for a funnel is an idea. An idea could be for a video, a blog post, podcast, audiobook, a presentation, a free offer, or a webinar.
Another thing that's needed is a desired goal or end result, whether it be a sign-up, a sale or something else. Then figure out how to get the desired end results starting from the idea.
Figure out what you want your site visitors to do. What's the purpose of the site? Determine what your funnels end result is and then you can design the pathway toward the end result.
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Sunday, August 25, 2019

How To Start Social Media Marketing As A Beginner In 2019 - Step By Step Training

7 Ways To Drive User Engagement On Social Media

When you're on social media, you want to get lots of engagement. Having said that, driving engagement can sometimes be a tedious task. But if you understand what you want, you can ensure that it happens by planning for it, using the right systems to ensure it happens, and then learning from it so you can do it more.
1. Develop an Integrated Content Marketing Strategy
You want the content you share on social media to integrate with the content you publish on your blog and website, email, and elsewhere. It should all have a purpose and a reason for being and a goal in mind.
2. Create and Share Content That Is Member Focused
When the content you create and that others have created is focused on what your audience want to know, need to know, and have an interest in, it will keep people interested. It will make them want to check out your blog, open your emails, and participate more because it's about them.
3. Share Video Content to Your Groups
Using video content is also a good way to get more engagement. People are more likely to comment on videos, share videos, and even watch the video over text-based content. This is especially true if the video is short and to the point.
4. Tag People in Posts
When you are sharing someone else's content, or mentioning someone in your content, or think someone would be interested in the content, tag them so that their name shows up to themselves and to others (depending on their privacy settings). This is a great way to get their friends to look too.
5. Schedule Your Content for the Best Times
Using data, determine when the best times and days are to share information with them, and then use scheduling features to share at the time when more people are more likely to see the post.
6. Write Better Headlines to Get Attention
Your headlines matter a lot because some people will just pass over your shares if the headlines aren't written correctly. You don't want to trick people, but you do want to get their attention, so it's a fine line to walk when considering how headlines affect open rates.
7. Study Your Audience Insights
Remember that data is important, so study the data available to you on each platform that you use so that you know the right content to share at the right time and how to get more engagement where your audience is at the time.
Facebook wants your business to succeed when using their social media platform. This just makes sense. If you achieve your business goals while spending money on Facebook advertising, you're likely to use it again in the future. To learn how to make your social media marketing successful and profitable on Facebook, download my Free Checklist, Successful Facebook Ads at

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Google AdWords Tutorial - Step-By-Step Google AdWords Tutorial For Beginners

SEO And PPC: A Powerful Combination

A decent marketing technique can take a business higher than ever of success. On account of current marketing procedures, regularly utilized as a part of a blend with standard methods, there are always new techniques for looking for upper hand regardless of expanding immersion in various ventures.
What we know as advertising today is unique about the past. The fast improvement in this specific industry is the aftershock of how rapidly the opposition is getting to be harder both in nearby and worldwide markets.
Showcasing is a mix of various procedures, which rely on your particular business objectives and targets. All were developing, and settler organisations are utilizing a couple of strategies. For instance, content advertising, which is not any more restricted merely to articles and web journals. Organizations are currently centered on offering fascinating substance as recordings, instructional exercises, info-graphics, and handouts.
Aside from making a drawing in content, organisations do depend on specific details to pull in consideration of the real market. This incorporates both site design improvement and pay-per-click, otherwise called SEO and PPC separately.
Understanding The Variance Between SEO And PPC 
SEO is directly related to content. These are particular words or phrases that are more than once added to the substance to influence a web to page rank among the prominently looked outcomes in web indexes. PPC is a piece of the promotions that fast moving towards the content and produces leads. In any case, the principal distinction is that SEO produces natural activity while PPC, as the name proposes, requires a specific measure of installment each time a potential lead clicks.
You may have gone over natural inquiry postings and paid pursuit postings. This is a result of the distinction clarified previously. Altogether, the two terms are a piece of the web index showcasing or SEM. SEM is regularly part of an association's entire internet marketing strategy. The more successful the technique is, the better the outcomes will be. For this reason, associations employ experienced experts to make the best promoting methodology.
Google led more than 400 investigations in 2011 on whether the search and ripped apart their natural traffic, if search advertisements were stopped, would clicks on organic search results boost, and compensate for the misfortune in paid traffic?
As uncovered in the gathering of the considerable number of information,
"The level of paid clicks that are not compensated for by natural clicks when look promotions are stopped. The outcomes were amazing. The incremental advertisement clicks rate crosswise over verticals is 89%. This implies an entire 89% of the movement created via look promotions isn't supplanted by organic clicks when advertisements are delayed. This number was reliably high crosswise over verticals."
This demonstrates utilizing both PPC and SEO has enormous effects the outcomes created. Convincingly, it is just when they cooperate in a settlement that they give the results you are searching for in these campaigns.
Advantages Of Using SEO And PPC Together
One can't deny the fact that PPC and SEO are both different strategies. Each has various benefits when used individually. But, some experts do say that using both together can enhance specific effects. There are some particular situations where the two diverse strategies complement each other and form a sturdier SEM strategy.
Here are the top 5 benefits of using PPC and SEO together.
Improved Visibility 
Both SEO and PPC are utilized to target search engine result pages or SERPs. The issue is that specific search terms can end up ordinary, which occupies advertisers concentrate far from PPC endeavors. In any case, bear in mind that the best 2 to 3 comes about on most SERPs are PPC promotions.
Joining SEO and PPC gives you a superior opportunity to rule both the natural and paid outcomes. This will likewise offer a shot at building up a definitive position in your specific industry.
Gaining From PPC
Information demonstrates that specific PPC components work for SEO too. If a particular advertisement of PPC is helping you with lead age and deals transformation, you can add similar ingredients to your content strategy. You can enhance the meta descriptions, title labels, and page content to impact the same successful outcomes. This is a fast method for figuring out what parts of the procedure are working. When you attempt an organic search strategy, it can set aside the opportunity to decide these properties. Paid content will tell you far prior, and you can rapidly apply the same for SEO to double the impact.
Social Media Optimization 
PPC and SMO joined have the ability to be to a high degree compelling. Social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube permit open doors for an impressive advertisement campaign. These promotions can likewise be focused towards a particular section of your target market. For instance, you can demonstrate specific content just to individuals between 20 to 30 years of age. You can apply this data to your SEO techniques too.
A Double Strategy 
Getting organic traffic is troublesome. Indeed, even social media sites are presently advancing paid campaigns over organic traffic. It is conceivable that individuals from your target market indicate premium and visit the pages you have set up, however, neglect to make any real move, for example, memberships or buys. What you can do is utilize SEO to draw in visitors to get an idea what you do and what you have to offer. Afterwards, you can pursue these clients and recover their consideration through convincing PPC advertisement campaigns.
Reveal More High-Performing Keywords
An incredible advantage of SEO is that it usually uncovers keywords that weren't in your unique procedure. A significant number of these keywords can produce more activity. You can cross-reference these with commitment measurements to figure out which ones will yield the best outcomes. Add these watchwords to your PPC technique. Thus, you have extended your keyword set to include the ones you were generally disregarding.
Joining SEO and PPC may not be a new trend but rather among all the new data coming to your direction, it makes no mischief to attempt some old jewels also. Your general internet marketing strategy can turn out to be very useful if you consolidate SEO and PPC. Nonetheless, this may require the assistance of your best specialists, time and the power utilization of your advertising spending plan.
How Can Intelicle help? 
Intelicle is a well-known SEO expert London based agency, we can help you grow your business online organically and utilize via any PPC (pay per click) platform such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. If you want to get the most out of today's online marketing competition just get in touch.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Love Your List & Your List Will Love You

You may have heard the saying often thrown about in internet Marketing circles: The Money is In the list. I'm not going to argue with this, it is as true today as it has ever been.
In fact, I would go as far as to say the single most important thing to do for anyone new to the world of internet marketing is to start building an email list as soon as possible.
Indeed the great majority of any internet marketers time is taken up by growing their list. But unless you spend some time looking after the existing customers in your list then everything you've invested will have been wasted.
If I could give only one piece of advice to anyone starting out in Internet marketing it would be "Love Your List."
Unfortunately the majority of people venturing into internet marketing make one major error. They are so focused on squeezing as much profit out of their list as they possibly can that they forget they are dealing with real people.
This approach may work well in the short term and could even give you a good initial income. However, eventually you will lose the confidence and trust of the people on your list and they will stop responding.
This way you are going to have to put time and money into replacing the customers you are consistently losing.
Believe me you will have better things to do with your time than constantly replacing people dropping out of your list due to neglect.
These are real people!
You need to understand that behind every email address you collect there is a real person. Someone who has shown an interest in what you have to offer. They have trusted you enough to give you their name and email address. A conscious decision was made to take the time and respond to you. They may even have downloaded one of your products or possibly made a purchase from you.
So you must remember these are real people with real dreams and real feelings. You will find that if you treat them as such, if you show your human side, you will be in this business for the long term rather than be just a quick flash in the pan.
When you get a new subscriber don't go all out sell, sell, sell. Because if you are constantly plying people with sales emails, you will lose more people than you retain. If this has been your approach so far you need to stop now. This method has been a tactic of internet marketers for so long, it's just not working anymore. People these days will just not put up with that kind of hard sell.
Think about the times when you subscribed to someones list. It was probably because they had a free offer that interested you, right? Now when you gave them your email address you knew that would not be the last you heard from them. You know at some point down the line they are going to try and sell you one thing or another.
If they take the hard-sell approach and keep pestering you with sales emails chances are you will unsubscribe from their list. However if they are sending you useful information. Or they are giving you free training or great advice, you are more inclined to read their sales emails when they inevitably do arrive.
Remember it cost a lot more time, effort and money to get a new subscriber than it does to keep your existing list happy and interested.
People will stay on your list if you are giving them great FREE content. The longer they are on your list the more chance you get to build their trust. The more they trust you the more likely they are to become a paying customer. They are more likely to recommend you if they think that what you are providing is useful and worthwhile.
These people on your list can be your greatest form of promotion...
You can tell people how great you are. You can tell them what a wonderful product you are selling. They may or may not believe you, they may or may not buy from you. But if someone totally unconnected to you gives you the thumbs up... that is such a powerful thing.
There is nothing greater for yourself or your brand than the endorsement of one of your customers.
It is for this reason that I say Love Your List.
If you put the time and effort and love into your existing customers then it will pay off in the long term. Not only will you have to spend less time replacing the customers you are losing. You are more likely to have a growing list who are willing to become paying customers.
When you are starting out, building an email list can seem like the hardest thing in the world. To get complete strangers to trust you enough to join your list can really take a heck of a lot of time and effort. So doesn't it make sense to ensure that all that work you have put in to get your subscribers should not go to waste?
In Conclusion
Remember! it is extremely important to keep growing your list, but it is equally important to look after your existing subscribers. After all you don't want the effort you are putting in to growing your list to end up being largely to replace the people you are losing.
Once you start to build your list, ensure you spend some time connecting with those people. Send them an email AT LEAST once a week. Make them feel wanted, valued and loved. Send them free content, help, advice and tips. Give them free training but ensure it is the full course that delivers on what you promise.
Don't give away 80% of something and then ask people to pay for the final 20%. This is a sure fire way to get people reaching for the unsubscribe button.
In short if you love your list, your list will love you.
I'm a full time internet marketer and product developer with a passion for helping newcomers succeed in what can be a very confusing business. If you would like more free advice, tips, help and information on running a home based business feel free to drop me a line. Just visit my website at:

How to Build an Email List Fast and for Free — 5 List Building Tips

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How To Make A WordPress Blog Step By Step For Beginners

How To Make Banner Ads Attractive And Realize Online Marketing Goals?

We are now in the digital world where technology shapes the way we live. Brands are not immune to changes brought forward by constant advancements in the technology. Take for instance, the norms of marketing have completely changed with digital taking precedence over traditional. From mobile to social to e-mail to content, the routes of marketing have evolved and entered an altogether different territory. With more people going online and socializing than they ever did, it's now the turn of brands to head where all the prospects lie. They have to advertise and tap into the ever-exploding potential of the internet world.
In a way, brands have to leverage different techniques and methods of advertising to catch the attention of their target audience, including existing customers and prospective ones. To catch attention, effective marketing campaigns and attractive ads will be needed as they stir imagination and demand some sort of attention. Banner ads have to aesthetically impeccable as only they can they make the heads roll. In a way, your banner ads have to stand out from the sea of campaigns unfurled by other marketers. For that to happen, you need to have a team of creative and experienced graphic designers with, of course, proven credentials.
What if your small business can't afford any investment in hiring designers? What should be the strategy when the budget is relatively too small to hire creative people? In such scenario, the only option is to design banners ads by own or explore the market to find any advanced tool for the same purpose. It'd be great if you could find a tool as in that case, a lot of time and money would be saved that otherwise get spent on manual efforts. Finding such a tool, and an advanced one at that, means getting the freedom of designing your own banner ads.
What's more, having a tool will also give the benefit of creating multiple designs at one go and then choosing the one that suits the marketing requirements in the best possible way. With the tool doing all what is needed, a business then won't need to hire a designer to produce several mock-ups of the banner design. Given so many benefits attached with the tool, it'd really be a great decision to get that one and let the business benefit, at least on the banner designing front. Options are many in the market and you should choose a tool that delivers speed and responsiveness.
In addition, a business should always select a tool that provides multi-browser support feature. The tool won't serve the purpose beyond a point if it is not compatible with device such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops. It should enable adding of text, arches effects; should help upload images, rotate texts & images; facilitate adding of shape & clip-art and changing of background. What's more, the chosen banner designing software or tool should come packed with a huge selection of themes and templates to bring more ideas and more creativity into play.
Yusuf Javed is the proud founder and director of Product Designer Tool - an innovative company that provides personalized and customized banner designing software to clients. A tri-national (citizen of the US, UK & India) and tri-lingual management executive with decade-long experience in Digital Marketing, he has vast experience in building teams, strategic planning and direct sales.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Why Targeting Is Pretty Much Everything For Your Sales Funnel

If you're planning to make money through a sales funnel, then by far and away the most significant thing to start thinking about is your targeting. In other words, how are you guaranteeing that it's the right person who is getting your autoresponder messages? In which way are you ensuring that the subscribers who find their way to start of your sales funnel are the right kinds of prospects?
This is what's called 'targeting' and it is genuinely the difference in earning substantial cash and making no money whatsoever.
The most effective way to demonstrate why targeting works really well is to think about sales. In sales, you have the individuals who start out their professions cold calling and selling things like training courses. These are individuals who will be picking up the telephone and trying to promote something expensive to a random stranger.
Now, some individuals will be very good at that and those people will probably be the ones who succeed. As they improve, they will be offered better and better jobs within their company and sooner or later this will lead to them generating big money.
What's the best position?
Selling to well-qualified prospects who have a lot of cash. Consider this: if you're able to promote something to strangers who probably haven't got much money, it will be easy to market to affluent people who have already told you they want to buy!
This is the concept that product sales is based on and it's how you're going to make sure your business is prosperous when you're making use of a sales funnel.
Because the equivalent with a sales funnel is simple and easy - this would mean locating targeted prospects and sending them to your site. It means finding people who are showing an interest in your specific niche, who are the right age and sex and who have the right income.
With the help of PPC of course! PPC stands for Pay Per Click and this is a type of marketing where you only pay each time a person clicks on your ad. PPC ads can be placed either on Google searches (through Google AdWords) or they can be put on Facebook, where they will target people according to not only their age, sex and location but also on their hobbies, interests and job title!
If you can carry this out, then you can find the exact kind of individual who is likely to purchase from you and then make sure that these are the individuals who start their journey through your sales funnel. That way, you are destined to succeed!
Get niche specific pre-written autoresponder messages and lead capture pages for email marketing. []

Facebook Marketing Strategy: Crush 2019 with Facebook Sales Funnels

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Complete, Step-By-Step Video Training on Facebook Lead Ads | 2017 Edition

Why You Need to Capture Leads, Not Sales

If your goal is to generate passive income, then you might well be hoping to accomplish that by selling a product. This could be a product you've made, or it might be a product that you are promoting as an affiliate marketer. Either way, you'll likely have set up a sales page, creating an ad campaign to send visitors there and then hopefully begun to rake in the profits!
The problem is that it can be tough trying to convince people who visit your page to buy. Your success in this endeavor comes down almost entirely to your conversions and the percentage of visitors that end up buying from you.
And to this end, many marketers will jump straight in with the hard sell. That means that they'll heavily push all the positives of their product and try to get the visitor to click buy as soon as they get there.
This doesn't tend to work. Although you probably want to make your sales process as simple and automated as possible, it's absolutely essential that you don't try to go straight in for the kill. Far more effective is to try to capture leads first instead. Here's why.
Why Cold Sales Don't Work
Just because you're making money passively, that does not mean that you should be impatient about how you are collecting your sales.
If you try to convert your visitors as soon as they land on your page, then this is the equivalent of walking up to someone you like in a bar and asking them for their number, without saying hello or even introducing themselves first. Or it's a little like walking up to someone in the street and offering to sell them a watch for $500. Would you be receptive to that sales technique?
Of course not! And the reason is that you know nothing about the person selling, you know nothing about the product and you have no reason to trust that what they're offering is as good as they say it is.
If someone lands on your page and you try to sell to them right away, then they'll think your site is essentially spam and they'll be frustrated at the lack of value. Chances are they'll leave.
How to Convert
So instead, talk to them about how they can get free information by signing up to your mailing list, or provide them with an article and then offer to share more through your Facebook.
Now you have the opportunity to build that relationship and to build trust and eventually, you'll find that this puts you in a position where they are more likely to want to buy from you!
You might be wondering how this model is still passive. In fact, though, it still can be: there's no reason you can't use automated emails for example through an auto-responder. Or you can write a ton of blog posts and then schedule them to post over time.
You can still make your model passive. Just don't go straight in for the kill!
Download FREE Passive Income Guide

Monday, August 19, 2019

Autoresponder - The Key to Running a Successful Online Business

In this article, we shall define what autoresponders are, and why you should utilize them to achieve successful online business.
If you run an online business it means you already own a website or a blog. Once your online business is setup, the next most important thing to consider is using an effective autoresponder.
Autoresponder defined
In simple understandable term, it is actually electronic newsletters forwarded automatically to your subscribers via your mailing list, and this is done at intervals that you specify or define. By sample, you can design and specify an autoresponder so that once a person signs up to your mailing list he or she will receive a welcome note from your business. Subsequently, you can send other messages such as business discount codes, invitation to connect on social media, new product launch, etc.
The importance of autoresponders
Using autoresponders for your online business keeps a large bulk of your email marketing automated, and that's if you setup things appropriately. With an autoresponder installed on your website, your subscribers will be able to receive specific vital key messages about your business. With this benefit, you do not need to bother about manually sending these messages out, as it is fully automated as set. This simply makes the importance of using autoresponders all the more clear. In short, they help you save time running your online business, loads of it.
How can you utilize autoresponders to help promote your online business?
• You can utilize them to forward custom birthday greetings with other related offers to subscribers on your mailing list.
• You can transition a subscriber from one phase of communication to another after they purchase an item/product. For example, you can move a subscriber from a 'prospect' level series of messaging to 'upsell' series of communication.
• You can forward mails to subscribers exactly one month after they purchased a product. This can be done to motivate them to renew a 'policy or guarantee.'
When autoresponders are utilized in such creative and meaningful ways, it can help generate substantial sales and income - with high returns on investment for your business.
To use them, you can sign up with popular providers such as MailChimp, Getresponse, Aweber, Mad Mimi or Campaign Monitor, etc. These providers are renowned for offering businesses robust autoresponders with dedicated tools for hosting mailing lists and forwarding newsletters and messages.
Finally, autoresponders when setup and used properly can help online businesses automate lots of marketing activities and tailor specific messages to a mailing list for profit making and client engagement.
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